Get ready for an amaZing Valentine’s Day

Single girls guide to Valentine’s Day – PG13

By Sara Rowe

As if we weren’t already feeling upset!! It’s winter time, all the couples are matched up after the mating season of Summer ended, and we are snuggling solo.
Then it’s the middle of February and all we want to do is get outside and wear cute Spring clothes, but the impending doom of V-day lurks.
What’s a single girl supposed to do on this ominous day?
Love means always. Wherever, and any day of the week. Just so happens that this coming February corporations (Hallmark) are selling us something that cannot be bought or sold.
So, do what you love for yourself on the day detected to love. No, don’t buy yourself a blow up doll. What makes you happy and love yourself is the ticket out of the consumerist circus. For example, going to a movie alone makes me happy. Getting dolled up and going out with your girlfriends or your mom ‘ups’ the feminine moral.
You could stay at home and stereotypically gorge yourself on ice cream or chocolate, brainwash yourself with romantic cliche comedies that never seem to pan out in reality.
The alternative is indulging in the stuff that makes life sweet to you. Being single and treating yourself well is the best way to attract others.
Be confidant and go forth into the world with your heals on or your flats, whatever keeps you feeing sexy and independent. You can treat yourself instead of getting the treatment that a man or corporation thinks you need. You know what you need!




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